Dear Zicklin Community,

Happy Spring! Welcome to the latest edition of the Dean’s E-Newsletter. While we all know that “Baruch Means Business,” we also know that there is much more to the Zicklin School of Business than business. Just as the liberal arts form a foundation for business education at Baruch, I believe that an appreciation of the fine arts is integral to the development of the moral and aesthetic sensibilities of today’s business leaders.

We are dedicating this newsletter to the arts. We want to introduce you not only to the excellent facilities here that you may not know about – see our article entitled “Arts @ Baruch”- but also to some faculty, alumni and current students who have very interesting “other sides”. Some began careers in the arts and transitioned to business, see “In the Spotlight”; others discovered their arts side en route to a business career, like Kathryn Martell (MBA ’11) ; and some have reengaged their artistic side after a period focused purely on business like Professor Kapil Bawa, Chair of Aaronson Department of Marketing and International Business. Zicklin is full of people whose lives embrace the arts and in the process enhance the lives of all of us. I invite you to read a few of their stories below.

For those who are graduating in the next few weeks, I congratulate you. I wish you every success; knowing that success means different things to each of us. For everyone else, have a great summer and I look forward to seeing you in the fall. Whatever you may be doing, enjoy the arts – this is New York City – the arts are all around us.

Best regards,
Signature image
John A. Elliott
Dean, Zicklin School of Business

P.S. Please be sure to answer the “Dean’s Poll” question. We will publish results in the next Dean’s Newsletter.
Have you ever visited the Mishkin Gallery?
Have you ever attended a performance at the Baruch Performing Arts Center (BPAC)?
"One of the secrets of a long and fruitful life is to forgive everybody everything every night before you go to bed"

-Bernard Baruch

All the world’s a stage—especially the classroom
Kapil Bawa describes his experiences as a teacher and an actor

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Kathryn Martell talks about her life as a circus performer

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To become a well-rounded professional, you need to “experience the arts

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Beyond Graduate Business School
Current MBA students and an MBA alumnus have stories to tell about their successful careers in the performing arts

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